Research Project

O’Malley, Martin. Wood, Owen. Foulkes, Amy. & CBC News Online. “INDEPTH: GENETICS AND REPRODUCTION The birth control pill.” CBC news.  July 3, 2001. Accessed January 27, 2018.

In the late 1960’s, Pope Paul VI condemned all forms of birth control, and only endorsed the rhythm method of birth control, now knows as abstinence (1). Its discussed that after millions of women that had taken Envoid, it was noticed that thousands of women became disabled or even died from blood clots due to the high dose of hormones found in the oral contraceptive. In comparison to today’s birth control pills that contain anywhere from 20-50 mcg of estrogen, oral contraceptive pills in the mid-1900s (like Envoid) contained 300 mcg of estrogen, which is ten times the needed dose amount for contraception (1). I was unaware before this article that there were “…two types of oral contraceptives: combination pills (containing estrogen and progestin) and progestin-only pills.” (2) and the article continues to explain how each work, along with the effectiveness that each provide, side effects and the health benefits of each (2).